Smokeless Hibachi Tables | Smokeless Teppanyaki Tables

To meet public demands to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment at Hibachi steakhouse, Cookeryaki developed an innovative system to eliminate greasy, smoky air that was feared to pose health risks to customers and cooks.

Our new Downdraft exhaust system places the exhaust pipe under the workbench, eliminating the need for an overhead hood. Smoke from cooking will be pulled under the table and completely isolated from the indoor air from the dining room.

Most importantly, the smokeless Hibachi table is healthy, safe, affordable and easy to maintain. Smoking will no longer be a health problem for your cooks and customers. Fumes no longer bother or stick to clothes. Your customers will be able to enjoy a real dinner in a smoke-free environment.


How does a Smokeless Hibachi Tables work?

Here, you can watch a sample video of a smokeless Hibachi table under working conditions. The video shows the table inhaling smoke from the cook's side of the table, which is connected to an underground pipe.


** the new stainless steel grill makes the food juicer tender, even and golden for the best Hibachi taste. In addition, stainless steel baking trays can be easily maintained with a simple cleaning process to maintain their year-round sheen.

* excluding duct systems, fire protection systems and exhaust fans.


What items do I include when buying a table from Cookeryaki?

The above prices include Formica (plastic laminate) table, Griddle and smokeless Hibachi units. For the Formica Table-Tops, you can choose from a variety of colors and patterns.


What is not included in the price?

Excluding exhaust pipe, exhaust fan and fire protection system. Please place an order with your local licensed construction company. No overhead hood will be required with our innovative new downdraft system. The unlimited design provides a comfortable and pleasant dining atmosphere! If you have any questions or concerns about our smokeless Hibachi table, please feel free to contact us at our office or through the consultation form on our website.


Smokeless Hibachi Tables | Smokeless Teppanyaki Tables