How to easily clean a rusty teppan grill?
Grill rust removal is relatively easy, requiring only a few household items. We will tell you how to do it.
How important is BTU when buying a gas grill? teppanyaki gas grill
Grill manufacturers like to chatter about how many BTUs their teppanyaki grill has. But what is BTU? Is more BTU always better?
The Japanese Grill | Large Teppanyaki Grill
Somewhere in the modern world, someone invented a large teppanyaki grill plate.
Hibachi Grill | Types of Hibachi Grills
The small hibachi grill provides a great barbecue solution for those who like to grill food on charcoal, but they either don't have much space or like to grill
Indoor Grilling | How to Get the Best Results?
No matter what the reason you want to grill indoors, we will help you. Let's take a look at the different ways you can grill indoors.
Hibachi Style Tabletop Grilling | Pros Cons and Tips
Few grills can match the direct, concentrated, blast heat of the compact Japanese tabletop grill (called hibachi in the West)