Teppanyaki grill table | High quality Ol' bacon and eggs on an Teppan-grill

This is the simplest recipe of all. It's a classic. Bacon and eggs. This is almost what you need!

On the Cookeryaki teppanyaki grill table for restaurant, we preheat the temperature to 5 and then set it to 8, which turns out to be the perfect temperature to cook bacon and eggs perfectly without burning. On a regular cooker with a frying pan, this will be a medium-high setting. When we put the bacon on the Cookeryaki Teppanyaki Table For Home, it hissed very well.

The video may give you an amazing hiss for good visuals, but you have to use your imagination to catch the smell, which provides a delicious umami that makes us drool instantly. In a few minutes, the bacon has turned a beautiful golden color and is beginning to reach the perfect level of crispness.

After about 10 minutes of cooking and flipping the bacon, the hoarse sound is muted, but the aroma and crisp feel is perfect, which means it's time for some piecede resistance: eggs!

Before we boiled the eggs, we sucked in some of the extra bacon fat, but put some on top so that our eggs would cook well enough to stick without spoiling. This provides more hiss, which is always fun! We chose to cook these eggs sunny for about 4 minutes, but if you prefer, you can flip them in half for overcooking/medium cooking. A pinch of salt and pepper, and these eggs are ready!

Even this simple yet classic dish can be garnished to give a delicate appearance. Some fresh herbs and fruits can add color. You can also serve them with tomatoes or avocados. Even better, try using the crispy potatoes from our last article! A hearty but simple and delicious breakfast and a perfect weekend at home. Guten appetite!


Teppanyaki grill table | High quality Ol' bacon and eggs on an Teppan-grill