Teppanyaki | Teppanyaki Knowledge | Teppanyaki Table

What is teppanyaki?

Teppanyaki is a Japanese cooking style, which is based on iron grids, fried and roasted food. This is a relatively modern method that started on Japanese street markets after World War II. The term "teppanyaki" is composed of two parts: "Teppan" is the Japanese name for the traditional iron grid associated with this style, and "yak" comes from the verb "yaki", which means "fried" or "in Cook on a hot plate".

According to this definition, any food that is fried or grilled in a teppan can be considered teppanyaki. Some traditional Japanese dishes, such as Japanese Yasha or Mujiyaki, are completely based on this cooking technique.


Teppanyaki Table


What is the difference between hibachi and Teppanyaki?

In fact, this problem comes from a misconception of a word that occurred when Teppanyaki was exported to other countries. The correct question is "What is the difference between hibachi and teppanyaki?". Let us define these two words correctly, and then we will explain the origin of this confusion.

Hibachi or shichirin is the Japanese name for a heating device based on charcoal. Hibachi has an open box or cylinder on the top, made of heat-resistant material. Hot charcoal is introduced inside, and by using a grill pan on the top, different ingredients can be grilled and smoked.

The iron pan on the other side is a preheated iron plate, used to cook different ingredients and traditional Japanese dishes. Tokyo Electric Power Company does not need to use charcoal. In fact, most of its work now uses gas. The pan is used for frying and roasting ingredients.

Therefore, Mujinhui and Tokyo Electric Power are equipment for heating food, and Hibachi is for preparing grilled ingredients. In this grilling method, the smoke in the charcoal plays an important role, and the flat hot pot is used for cooking or grilling ingredients. of.

When teppanyaki (the art of cooking with iron plates) was exported to North America, hibachi was used to refer to iron plates instead of iron plates. For these reasons, people who go to Teppanyaki restaurants are beginning to confuse these two terms.


Types of Teppanyaki

Teppanyaki is more like a cooking style than Japanese cuisine. Therefore, any ingredients cooked on an iron pan will be regarded as teppanyaki. However, there are some traditional dishes in Japanese cuisine that completely adopt the style of Teppanyaki chestnut. In this section, we will show you the most commonly used ingredients for teppanyaki and some traditional dishes made using this method.


Teppanyaki Dishes


OKONOMIYAKI is composed of a stir-fried dish mainly containing batter and cabbage. However, it's common to include any ingredients you like, meat, seafood, cheese, nuts,...There are no rules when it comes to okonomiyaki. The traditional OKONOMIYAKI is topped with special soy sauce, mayonnaise and meatloaf slices.


MONJAYAKI and OKONOMIYAKI are very similar, the main ingredients are the same, and the additional ingredients you want to add are also free. However, to prepare the batter, add more dashi or water to make the final consistency similar to melted cheese.


Yakisoba is a relatively modern but very traditional Japanese dish consisting of fried noodles mixed with vegetables, tofu and/or small pieces of meat. In addition, these noodles are added with condiments similar to dense oyster sauce.


Teppanyaki Ingredients

The typical raw materials prepared with teppanyaki are vegetables, meat and seafood. Popular meats are beef, pork and chicken. It is also common to see shrimp and iron chestnut.

Meat and seafood are cooked separately. In this case, teppanyaki works like a fancy cooking method to make your beef and shrimp ready to eat.

Although vegetables can also be fried individually, they are usually chopped and mixed together before cooking the vegetables. Usually minced meat and other ingredients are added to the vegetable teppanyaki.


How to make teppanyaki?

As we have seen in the previous chapters, there are many dishes that we can prepare using the Teppanyaki method. In this section we will focus on a basic steak, teppanyaki sauce, and decorative vegetables. In the video below, you can follow the step-by-step recipe for teppanyakii steak.


How many calories does teppanyaki have?

The calories in the teppanyaki chestnut may vary greatly depending on the ingredients used. In the following table, we provide a table that lists the nutritional value of standard meat, vegetables, iron chestnut and other Japanese dishes (the table shows the nutritional value of daily food).


  Calories Fat (g) Carb (g) Prot (g)
Vegetables and Steak 470 15 30 35
Okonomiyaki 520 23 40 17
Monjayaki 510 21 57 18
Yakisoba 800 13.8 98.1 38.7


Are teppanyaki foods healthy?

There are many teppanyaki rice, so some of them are healthier than others.

Foods like yak and wild yak are slightly less healthy, because we use too much oil in the preparation process, or not vegetable oil.