Teppanyaki | Teppanyaki Hibachi Table | Price of Teppanyaki

What is Teppanyaki?

Teppanyaki is a cooking style that uses hot plate(teppanyaki grill table) to cook food. It can be used for grilling, broiling, and frying. The cooked dishes include steak, shrimp, vegetables, rice, vegetables, etc. The term "teppanyaki" comes from teppan which is a metal plate which it is cooked and yaki.



How Is The Teppanyaki Cooking?

Most teppanyaki cooking are made in teppanyaki restaurants. The indoor teppanyaki grill is in the middle, and guests usually sit around it. The chef is standing by the table cooking. At the same time, the cooking process is also their performance.

First, from the tool chef holding a knife, fork and spatula together to toss, flip, drum, and clink.

Next, the chef skillfully chops the food.

Then they quickly ignited the tappanyaki hibachi table and created a feast with both cooking and visual effects. The entertaining chef can also introduce new cooking styles and changes. Used in examples.

Throw the shrimp tails into their shirt pockets
Catch the egg in the hat
Throw an egg into the air, then split it with a spatula
Throw the squashed prawn crackers into the guest's mouth
Arrange the onion rings into a volcano that erupts.

One more thing, you can choose your own chef and tell them what you want to do. What do you like, what do you like or dislike. You can also decide the type and quantity of seasoning and oil.

If you use the Cookeryaki teppanyaki grill table for sale, the taste will be more delicious.


Teppanyaki Cooking


What is the price of teppanyaki? Is it expensive?

Teppanyaki is known for its deliciousness and intuitiveness in the operating room. Teppanyaki cuisine is accepted by more people. But in some fashionable restaurants or hotels, teppanyaki is very expensive. Why is teppanyaki so expensive?

1) This is a visual enjoyment. You can see all the cooking process. This teppanyaki chef not only has superb barbecue skills, but is also a performer and speaker. They cook food and introduce ingredients and nutrients.

2) You can click what you like or dislike. If you like spies, you can ask the chef to put more on you. If you don’t like it, you can reduce it.

3) The fleshed finest ingredients are the main reason for the high price of teppanyaki. For example, cornflakes cow, Japanese cowboy bones, French lamb chops, Australian lobster, etc. These ingredients must appear in teppanyaki dishes.

4) Cookeryaki Kitchen can supply the best Teppanyaki table and Teppanyaki griddle. We have gas and electricity types. Please feel free to contact us.


price of teppanyaki