Teppanyaki Griddle For Home | Is It Possible to Recover a Rusty?

Steel, air and water do not match. Putting them together is the best way to rust. So, if you live in an area with high humidity, or you live by the sea, this means you need to be extra careful to prevent rust on the top of the Teppanyaki griddle for sale. Do you know what rust is? It is iron + water + oxygen. The baking pan of the Teppanyaki griddle is made of steel, which is iron + carbon. This means that all it needs is too much water and air exposure to make the flat top from black and shiny to rust and dull. Fortunately, if your Teppanyaki griddle plate rusts, there is a solution. Even severe corrosion can be solved by our tips! So, this is the cleaning tool you need.


Metal scraper
Cooking oil
Paper towel
BBQ Stone
Heat-resistant gloves


Teppanyaki Griddle For Home


Here is how to remove rust:

1. Turn on the Teppanyaki griddle for home and keep the heat high. The rust will loosen and be easier to remove. Wear heat-resistant gloves to protect yourself;

2. Take your metal scraper from the cookware accessory toolbox and scrape off corrosion. Keep the Teppanyaki griddle and scrape like there is no tomorrow!

3. Let the teppanyaki griddle cool, and then wipe off the debris.

4. Add 4-5 tablespoons of cooking oil to the entire surface, and then scrub it with a baking stone. Its effect is four times that of ordinary toothbrushes! Patiently scrub the entire flat roof area.

5. Wipe the Teppanyaki griddle clean with a cloth or paper towel. Add some cooking oil and wipe clean. Continue to scrub with oil until all the rust chips are gone. Remember to cheer while walking.

6. Coat the surface of the Teppanyaki griddle with a protective layer to avoid rusting again.

7. Store your Teppanyaki griddle in a cool and dry place, and protect it from moisture in the air with a lid.