How do you make your teppan grill?

Most teppan grills are characterized by a true seasoning finish, and these teppan grills require a little TLC from time to time to keep the finish in perfect condition.

The following guidelines will help you keep your teppan grill clean, prevent rust, and maintain a glass-like surface treatment to prevent your food from sticking to your cooking.


How do you control the temperature on the teppan grill?

Before you start using the teppan grill, you need to give it some warm-up time. This helps you achieve the best cooking performance from the grill.

First, you need to put the teppan grill on a medium-low heat for about 5 minutes.

This setting should allow the grill to heat up to approximately 350 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it depends on the environment and weather.

Then you need to turn the heat to low or medium-low for about 2-3 minutes to distribute the heat evenly across the teppanyaki grill.

It should be noted that steel conducts heat very quickly but cools very slowly.

Therefore, the teppan grill will have enough heat to get you started even if you reduce your burner heat.

Once the teppan grill is preheated, you can start cooking.

If you understand that managing the heat on the teppan grill is very important, this will help avoid damage to the grill.

Even if the steel is sturdy and durable, always make sure you use the low to medium heat setting.

This is very important, especially when you want to use multiple heating settings on a large teppan grill with multiple burners.

This gives you the opportunity to cook fajitas while grilling tortillas.

However, you need to make sure to keep both settings low or medium.


How do you make your teppan grill?


How do I wash my teppan griddle?

Once you have used the teppan grill, it is important to ensure that the food particles on the grill are cleaned while the grill is still hot.

It is recommended that you use a chain scrubber or a metal scraper to remove stubborn debris from the teppan grill.

After removing these pieces, wash the griddle with hot water, cast iron cleaner, or mild soap.

Please note that you should not use any form or abrasive cleaner to clean the teppan grill.

Next, you should clean the teppan grill thoroughly and then dry it. Never use the dishwasher or scrub the grill, as this will cut the perfect, seasoned finish on the upper griddle.


How to store your teppan griddle?

Before you save your pan, you should make sure it is clean and air-dried. Then, you need to store the teppan grill in a clean and dry place.

Most teppan grills are equipped with a bag specially used to store the grill.

If you store the teppan grill in one of the bags for a long time, you need to make sure that there is space on the zipper to prevent the metal from sweating.

This is very important because it can help you avoid rust on the teppan grill.