How To Make Teppanyaki Equipment "Live" Longer?

Today's teppanyaki table equipment is not expensive or cheap, and the average price of teppanyaki equipment is one to twenty thousand, while the larger teppanyaki shop has to have ten or twenty sets of equipment. The money can be no small, and spending so much money to buy, of course, is that the longer these devices can be used, the better.


Make Teppanyaki Equipment Live Longer


The service life of teppanyaki equipment can be divided into four categories:

Depreciation life, physical life, technical life and economic life. Interested friends can go to understand the other three categories, here we mainly explain the physical life of the teppanyaki equipment. Physical life refers to the total time that the device is used from a new state until it is no longer functioning properly (the physical life of the device is closely related to the quality of the maintenance).

Then, how long does the life of teppanyaki equipment last? There are many factors affecting it. First of all, the materials are different. The life of teppanyaki equipment is of course different. There are also equipment design, maintenance, use process, maintenance, etc. It will have a big impact on the service life of the equipment. Here is an example of a teppanyaki equipment based on imported alloy steel.

The imported alloy steel panel has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, no deformation, no discoloration, etc. The service life of a material made of imported alloy steel is about 20 years. Of course, this value will change with the influence of use, maintenance, etc. If the maintenance is done too badly, the service life will be reduced to one-third, so the repair and maintenance of the teppanyaki equipment must be strictly enforced.

The equipment aspect is determined by the manufacturer's technology, and buyers can only choose different levels of manufacturers according to their own needs. However, in the design, the maintenance problem is generally considered. Therefore, when designing, it will try to meet the maintenance standards, and It has the characteristics of integrated, no assemble, no unloading and other convenient maintenance.

We can't control the design, but the use of equipment is completely controllable, and it is a very important link. If you are professional, you must strictly implement the "two sets and three guarantees" system (set people, set machine, guarantee packaged, guarantee storage, guarantee maintenance), equipment operators to do "three understand" (understand the structure, understand the principle, understand the performance), "four can" (can use, can maintain, can check, can rule out general faults). However, in our lives, it is impossible to have a device, to understand so thoroughly, and there is no need for this, so the teppanyaki equipment is considered in the design, try to put the teppanyaki equipment The operation design is simpler, the cleaning is more convenient, and the maintenance aspect is of course the after-sales service.


Therefore, the usual use and maintenance of teppanyaki equipment, in fact, as long as we can do the following are enough:

1. After using the teppanyaki equipment, it is necessary to clean the surface of the steel plate to a certain extent. In addition to drying the water stains on the surface, it is also necessary to keep it clean.

2, after cleaning, you need to use some salad oil to clean, so that its surface is more bright.

3, wipe with a cloth, then wipe a layer of less salad oil.

4, other small parts should also pay attention to cleaning. Clean the stainless steel suction hood, oil net and oil pump when you run out every day.

5. For the stains caused by food, it should be cleaned in time, and do not pour some garbage and other items inside to keep it ventilated.

Finally, remind everyone: the service life of teppanyaki grill equipment is very much related to your use and maintenance. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to frequent cleaning and maintenance according to the equipment maintenance instructions.