Electric Teppanyaki Grill | Teppanyaki Steak Divine

• 2 pounds tenderloin, 1/2-inch to 2-inch cubes

• cup grape seed oil (or sunflower with high smoke point, rapeseed oil with low erucic acid, avocado oil)
• 2 TBSP. Balsamic vinegar
• 1 TBSP. Worcestershire sauce


Marinate the meat in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or preferably overnight.


• 2 TBSP. butter
• 4 ounces. Crimini mushroom (Bella Bella brown mushroom), sliced
• 1 medium onion, thinly sliced, thinly sliced
• 4 TBSP. flour
• season with salt and pepper
• cup brandy
• 1 cup beef soup


Preheat teppanyaki cooking table over # 5. When ready (the orange light goes out), set it to # 9.

Coat the teppanyaki outdoor table cooking center with a thin layer of grape seed oil or mix the meat with a cooking spray or vegetable oil. Thinly slice the brown steak, be careful not to overcook, season to taste. While still pink in the middle, move to the electric teppanyaki grill heated area.

Lower the arched teppanyaki table temperature to # 6 and collect the seasonings.

Melt the butter, caramelized mushrooms and Onions until brown. Season of seasoning. Now add 1 tablespoon flour at a time and add the butter/mushroom/onion mixture until smooth. Add brandy carefully and slowly. Stir and mix until combined. Slowly add half of the beef broth, stirring gently with a straight handle spatula, until added and smooth. Repeat the remaining half of the stock.

Continue to cook for about 6-8 minutes, until the sauce is thin and thick.

Pour the meat back into the sauce and mix until ready to serve. Turn off teppanyaki table manufacturers.

On the tip: eat rice, linguine or mashed potatoes together.


In advance, bake Russet Bakers (4) or use microwavable baked potatoes. When ready to serve, cut and pinch the potatoes. Spoon a quarter of the steak on a potato; Sprinkle with sour cream or creme fraiche and sprinkle with chopped chives.


Electric Teppanyaki Grill | Teppanyaki Steak Divine