customization of teppanyaki tables | understand the market price

1. First, learn about the heating method of teppanyaki equipment.

From traditional gas teppanyaki grill equipment to current custom made electric teppanyaki, the heating speed has been substantially improved. At present, there are three types of electric heating teppanyaki on the market, namely: electric heating tubes, electric aluminum plates, and electromagnetics; so before purchasing, you must first understand the differences between these three heating methods to avoid spending money unjustly.

The electric heating tube is used to conduct heating to the iron plate. This is the heating principle of the electric heating tube. A certain number of heating tubes are installed below the iron plate and arranged in an S shape. The principle is similar to "heating fast". This heating method has disadvantages. Many, such as slow heating speed, uneven heating, high maintenance rate, etc .; many businesses use this heating method to impersonate the other two types of electric heating methods, raising prices to fool consumers, which is really abominable.

The electric aluminum plate is heated by pouring the heating pipe with aluminum alloy. This method solves the problems of uneven heating and high maintenance rate to a certain extent, which is unsatisfactory; its speed is still a bit slow and the energy consumption is slightly A bit higher; E-magnet Energy has finally developed an electromagnetic heating method through intensive R & D, that is, currently very advanced electromagnet sintering equipment.

The electromagnet sizzling equipment uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to directly heat the iron plate, with an efficiency of more than 99%. It only takes 3-5 minutes to heat a 22mm thick iron plate to 260 degrees. Frequency conversion control, real-time temperature control, It only requires 2-3 degrees of electricity in an hour, and the operation is very simple. It can directly kill any other heating method. It can also use 220V house hold voltage to let teppanyaki enter the home. It is no longer a dream.

In summary, the knowledge in customization of electric teppanyaki tables equipment is still very large. Don't listen to the rhetoric of some bad businesses. You must actually inspect it and see for yourself to determine what kind of electric heating method to avoid being deceived.


2. Secondly, you need to understand the market situation of teppanyaki equipment.

Before we choose a device, we need to have an understanding of the entire market situation so that we can make better decisions. When we choose teppanyaki equipment, we need to understand the market situation more. This is a topic that many people are paying attention to. We must understand it correctly so that we can make better decisions.

No matter what choice we make, we must understand the market situation of the entire industry. This is a very correct way of thinking. Faced with a variety of different equipment, not everyone needs to buy the best. Everyone has its own requirements and can really understand it well before it can correspond to its own requirements. Say there will be protection.

When we understand the market of teppanyaki equipment, we must consider from many different angles, which will have more benefits for the whole thing. In the process of understanding the market situation, it can be done through Baidu. There are various kinds of information here. We will analyze these aspects carefully, and will eventually have a better understanding of the entire market and make choices for everyone. Good.

In the face of this market situation, we can really do a good job of analysis and then combine our own needs to choose equipment that is more cost-effective in terms of price, which will have more benefits for the use of the entire company. In some places, large-scale purchases are needed. If we don't understand this, we will be affected.

It is important for everyone to seriously understand the market situation of oval shaped teppan grill equipment. When you really do a good job of understanding the market and complete the analysis carefully, you know the price of the entire market. Different brands are recognized so that decisions can be made more easily. Only to find the teppanyaki more suitable for us.


customization of teppanyaki tables | understand the market price