What can teppanyaki grill table bake?

Judging from the Teppanyaki market, the business is quite good. It is mainly divided into two major mainstreams, one is high-end restaurants, especially Japanese Teppanyaki, which is more sophisticated and high-end food materials. Usually expensive and delicious, it is loved by many customers. The second type is street stalls, which are mainly convenient and fast, and taste good. Many friends eat teppanyaki for the first time, they often have a question, what can teppanyaki do? From the practical experience, Cookeryaki introduces you to a few points.


1. Seafood food.

At present, teppanyaki makes seafood food, the overall taste is fresh and tender, and the customer acceptance is high. Especially the teppanyaki dishes represented by squid are well received by all customers. Usually seafood foods need to be marinated in advance. Then use high temperature to suppress, must pay attention to turn over in time, otherwise it is easy to paste. The baking time is usually around 10 minutes.


2. Vegetable food.

It is mainly represented by eggplant and teppanyaki. Usually vegetable products need to be cooked in advance, and then roasted by teppanyaki. The overall flavor is more unique, there is a special flavor brought by the grilling of iron plate.


3. Other food.

Mainly represented by meat, teppanyaki beef and teppanyaki eggs are currently popular.


Through the above three food types, we can find that Teppanyaki can grill a lot of food. However, due to the lack of professional teppanyaki grill table equipment at home, we usually need restaurants to taste. So the Teppanyaki market will get better and better.


What can teppanyaki grill table bake?