Teppanyaki sauce: yogurt sauce, zephyr sauce, mulberry sauce, sea urchin sauce

The following introduces the practice of teppanyaki sauce: yogurt sauce, Japanese style sauce, mulberry sauce, sea urchin sauce:


Yogurt Sauce

Ingredients: 150 grams of yogurt, 100 grams of mayonnaise, 100 grams of lemon juice (according to personal taste)

Method: Mix the cheese and mayonnaise first, add lemon juice and mix well.


Japanese Style Sauce

Ingredients: 2 shallots, 2 cloves of garlic, sunflower oil 100g, corn oil 100g, soy sauce 50g, coriander 30g, sugar 20g, white sesame 10g.


1. Put the shallots, garlic cloves, sunflower oil, and corn oil in a blender and smash them. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

2. Shake evenly when eating, just pour in the right amount.


Mulberry Sauce

Material: 250g raspberries, 350g canned black cherries, 60g honey

Practice: Put all the materials into the blender and smash it.

Note: Used for salad, dessert sauce dipping sauce.


Sea Urchin Sauce

Ingredients: 250 g sea urchin paste, 180 g liquor, 250 g animal cream, 50 g carrot.


1. Shred the carrot first

2. Take the pot, add carrot shreds, white wine and stir well

3. Add sea urchin paste and fresh cream, and burn the paper sauce to make it thick and moderate.

Note: If the dish is still too thick, add fresh cream and mix thoroughly. Sea urchin sauce can be found everywhere in large supermarkets and seafood importers.


Teppanyaki sauce: yogurt sauce, zephyr sauce, mulberry sauce, sea urchin sauce