Teppanyaki Equipment for Indoor Cooking | Maintenance of Marble Countertops

The daily maintenance and maintenance of Teppanyaki Equipment for Indoor Cooking Equipment is very important. Whether it is appropriate or not, the service life difference is very large. What I want to share with you here is how to repair the marble countertop of the teppanyaki equipment.

Marble is more and more widely used due to its own characteristics and excellent decorative effects. There are a lot of materials that can be selected for the teppanyaki equipment countertops. According to the statistics of Chuanglu Wheel customers, most of them use marble. However, marble is always a stone, and the natural characteristics of marble itself lead to its use in the process. There are various problems with the product, which are related to the material and the environment of use. This is unavoidable. However, we can reduce the losses caused by repairing. After all, the cost of direct replacement is too high.

The marble countertop of the Japanese Restaurant Teppanyaki Equipment often causes minor damage due to oil splashes or accidental use of tableware. This degree of damage can be repaired by using polishing powder or tin oxide. The method is: directly use a framed felt Dip the powder and rub it hard on the damaged area, then wax it and repair it.

This repair method is only suitable for minor injuries, such as breakage, cracks, breakage, etc. You have to use another patching method. When the marble countertop is broken and damaged, the debris should be collected and put away, and then the edges of the damaged area should be wiped with acetone to remove impurities and facilitate adhesion. You can choose a professional marble bonding agent for the bonding tool, but you can use ordinary epoxy glue to bond the fragments back to the original position if the conditions are not sufficient.

If you accidentally lose the damaged fragments of the marble table, you can find stone fragments similar to the damaged marble, but you must pay attention that the fragments must be processed into the same size and shape as the damaged part. A simple mold can be made with wax paper and then measured, and then bonded Then, fill the small holes in the marble with the same white powder and resin cement.


Patching Tips:

1. The excess glue must be removed when bonding, otherwise the glue will regret and damage the surface of the marble.

2. Adequate pressure must be applied during bonding to avoid poor bonding.

The repair of teppanyaki equipment is very delicate and detailed. If you want to repair it delicately, it will take a lot of time, but it is totally worth it. The marble after repairing will make you look bright and feel new The same.


Teppanyaki Equipment for Indoor Cooking | Maintenance of Marble Countertops