Is there a difference between teppanyaki and barbecue?

Teppanyaki and barbecue are different, the differences are as follows:

Teppanyaki is a method of eating dishes. First, heat the teppanyaki grill table, immediately put fresh meat and vegetables on it, and fry it to eat. Production steps: First, heat the teppan plate, add a little oil, put the meat, ginger and green pepper, put the lid on and let it cook for a while. Add soy sauce as soon as possible, and finally sprinkle with green onion.


hibachi grill table


Barbecue is to heat and dry the air with fuel, and place the food in the hot dry air at a position closer to the heat source to heat the food. There are two types of grilling: direct grilling and indirect grilling. Direct baking is divided into open fire and dark fire, and indirect baking is also divided into iron plate, stone plate, copper plate and so on. And the method of Chinese and Western barbecue is different. The Chinese barbecue method is relatively simple. To put it bluntly, it is to cook the meat and other food on the fire. European-style barbecues can be roasted, stewed, baked, fried, etc. Among them, "roasting" belongs to open flame barbecue, also known as direct barbecue; other types are called indirect barbecue.

Barbecue is probably the most primitive way of cooking for humans. It uses fuel to heat and dry air, and places food in the hot dry air at a location closer to the heat source to heat the food. Generally speaking, barbecue is to cook food (mostly meat) on fire until it is edible, so Taiwan is also called barbecue. In modern society, because of the multiple ways of using fire, barbecue methods are gradually diversified and developed. Various barbecue grills, barbecue grills, barbecue sauces, etc.

Teppanyaki is to put things on a hibachi grill table, and the barbecue is picked up by hand.


hibachi grill tableteppanyaki grill table