Homemade Teppanyaki Hibachi Grill | DIY Teppanyaki Hibachi Grill for Your Kitchen (Option 2)

This option is much more difficult than the first, or may be better, depending on how you look at it.

On the one hand it takes more time, effort and resources to make from scratch, on the other hand you can make your own teppanyaki hibachi grill to the minute details which also give it some emotional value.

The whole idea of ​​a do-it-yourself (DIY) project like this is to reduce the overall cost of buying or owning a custom teppanyaki hibachi grill from a certain manufacturer or company.

So let's check to see if this can be achieved in your case.



Step 1: Determine the cost

Homemade or DIY projects are all about keeping costs down, and if the bill is higher than what the market expects or the price of a teppanyaki grill, it's not even worth the risk for you.

You’ll be better off just scrapping the whole thing, but I think using a hibachi to fire up your teppanyaki grill should cost less to build than to buy one.

A teppanyaki iron griddle (made not with charcoal, but with gas) can cost anywhere from $700 to $3000 or more.

Garland is huge! This is the kind of teppanyaki hibachi grill you want to make yourself, and with the right tools and materials, you can definitely make something similar.

A flat stainless steel or cast iron about 400mm x 300mm and 0.5mm thick costs about $10, while a stainless steel rod 0.125" x 12" costs $5 each to support a frame 10 x 10mm x 600mm Small oiled or black erw welded square and rectangular steel pipes cost $15 to $20.

This is fine if you have your own soldering tools and other tools needed for the job, or you can rent them as an alternative.

You will most likely only need 1-5 of each of the items mentioned above, since you only need to make a teppanyaki hibachi grill, so you won't spend that much on those materials.

The hibachi part of the installation will be made from molten diatomaceous earth, insulation and wood cladding for the exterior.

Remember to list the specs and dimensions of your kitchen teppanyaki hibachi grill you want so it only occupies an ideal space.


Step 2: Check if you need to hire a professional or if you can do it yourself

Well, now that we've discussed enough material costs, it's time to see if you can afford to do some "dirty" work.

It's not a dirty metaphor, it's literally dirty work soldering all the parts of this thing together because you'll get dirt on your hands and the rest of your body.

However, this shouldn't be something a mechanic can't handle. But you should be able to do it even if your skills in woodworking, woodworking or welding are below average.

There are plenty of videos on YouTube that will walk you through anything and even make you look like a pro, even though this is your first time doing something like this.

Of course, your determination is only as good as your confidence in yourself, so if you really feel like you can't do it, ask a professional to do it for you.

Still, when you do it yourself, you'll miss out on all the fun of learning new things you've never learned before, it's not satisfying.


Step 3: Buy the Materials/Hire a Professional

So far, we've settled on the specific design of the built-in teppanyaki hibachi grill, along with material costs and other important information about the DIY project.

Now, if you're not interested in doing the hard work yourself, you can decide to buy materials or hire professionals (as a second option).

Buying the materials you need should be relatively easy, and the initial price estimate above should keep your costs under $2,000, which will save you $1,000 or more compared to buying a teppanyaki hibachi grill in the market.


Step 4: Build it

Now that you have the materials you need to build your own Teppanyaki hibachi grill, it's time to start the project. You can refer to this video and hundreds of DIY videos on YouTube about homemade Teppanyaki hibachi grills:

So the first thing you need to do is start building the hibachi portion of the grill, you may want to rent a kiln to shape the hibachi.

There should be a timeshare kiln near you, all you have to do is contact them and set a schedule for you to mold the melted diatomaceous earth into a square or cylindrical design.

Once you're done, take your hibachi mold home or take it to your garage, start lining the insulation, and finish with the wood cover.

After finishing the hibachi portion of the grill, move on to making the teppanyaki grill portion and table top.

Weld all the metal pieces together and mount the finished teppanyaki grill to the countertop.

You can choose marble, glass or wood for the countertop and place the grill in the middle of the table, directly above the hibachi.

Make sure you've placed a door on the side of the hibachi, or design the grill to open so you can fill the interior of the hibachi with coals.

With all the components in place, you can have homemade teppanyaki hibachi grill in at least two weeks.


Step 5: Test it for Efficiency and Safety

Since you're building it yourself and you're not certified by any authority on grills and fire safety, it's best to consult your local fire department as well as your teppanyaki hibachi supplier so they can evaluate it.

Invite them to your home and get them something to eat - this will be your perfect opportunity to use your Teppanyaki hibachi grill while testing its safety and efficiency.

Technically, because there are very basic elements throughout the cooktop, you don't have to worry about safety since it's just a simple design grill.

Gas grills are grills that require a lot of safety checks and drills.


Step 6: Research Maintenance and Repairs

It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to fix your own teppanyaki hibachi grill, especially since you're the one who built it.

But to make sure you can retrace your steps in the future, you may want to film yourself as you build so you know which parts are going where.

This article on cleaning and maintenance of your teppanyaki grill will come in handy every time you use it.