High-end smokeless teppanyaki grill table equipment

Delicious teppanyaki certainly requires good Commercial Electric Teppanyaki Grill equipment; good hibachi table equipment should have the following characteristics:

First: the quality and thickness of the teppan plate. The quality of the teppan plate seriously affects the operation of the chef. The chromium tungsten manganese alloy steel plate should be used, and the thickness should be more than 22mm mm. Such teppan plate can make the chef easy to operate and rest assured; good thermal insulation effect and easy to clean.

Second: heating method; the chef has finished all the preparations and everything is ready, but the teppan plate is not hot, which makes the chef anxious, and more importantly, consumers can't wait. Therefore, the heating speed should be fast; and the safety should be high. At present, the only way to meet these requirements is electromagnetic heating, which can be heated to 200 degrees in 1-3 minutes. No open flame is generated, and the safety is high.

Third: Smoke exhausting effect: During the operation of the cook, it is inevitable to produce oily smoke, food taste and heat. Therefore, the Japanese catering available smokeless teppanyaki table machine needs to add fans, purifiers, cooling systems, and deodorization systems. At present, this kind of smoke exhausting method is only Cookeryaki. The original water circulation water purification system cools the hot gas quickly; and carries out secondary purification of the oil fume. The original activated carbon deodorization system can remove more than 90% of food odors, and truly achieve a smokeless and odorless operating environment.

In summary, the Teppanyaki equipment is very important for making Teppanyaki, and it must not be sloppy.


High-end smokeless teppanyaki grill table equipment