Hibachi Top Grill | How to light a Hibachi grill?

According to Ace Hardware, Hibachi grills offer an easy, economical option for outdoor grills for those with limited patio space, such as those living in apartments or condos. The small size of the Japanese-inspired grill makes it easy to set up quickly and cook in limited spaces. Hibachis should only be used with smaller cuts of meat, as larger cuts may not cook properly. To be safe, lighting a hibachi requires charcoal, lighter fluid, and a long-handled lighter or matches.


 Hibachi Top Grill


Remove the hibachi top grill and place a cone-shaped charcoal block on the bottom. To determine how many briquettes to use, spread some of the briquettes evenly in a single layer on the bottom of the grill before stacking.


Spray the briquette with a liquid light enough to lightly coat the surface. Mark Dale of Hibachi Grills recommends half a glass or so. The color should darken slightly as they come in contact with the liquid. Do not let lighter liquid fall anywhere other than the grill.


Wait a few minutes for the liquid to seep into the briquette.


Light the coals with a match or lighter to keep a safe distance from the liquid as it ignites.