Hibachi Grill | The Best Noodles for Hibachi

Chukamen ramen (yakisoba) noodles

Ramen noodles are made from wheat flour, dry water and salt water, and are usually thin and light yellow in color, firm and elastic in texture.

The technique of making ramen was imported from China during the Meiji era (1868–1912), and a distinctive feature of ramen is that it is first fermented with yeast before the dough is rolled, stretched and stretched.

The noodles can vary in shape, width and length and are usually served in a broth. Curry, tonkatsu, miso, shio, and shōyu are examples of ramen.




The thickest Japanese noodles you'll find are udon noodles. They are bright white wheat noodles that can be 4 to 6 mm thick.


You can eat udon noodles in one of two ways, and like many Japanese dishes, it's a very seasonal food:

• Serve cold with a delicious sauce, dip it, and chomp on it. They eat cold in summer.

• Eat them warm in recipes and soups, which is what you want to make during the winter and fall months, when it's much colder outside.


You can find udon soup in the following dishes:

• Kitsune Udon
• Yaki Udon
• Nabeyaki Udon
• Curry Udon

You might think that every dish named "udon" would use the same noodles in the recipe, but there is one exception for Sara Udon, which is made with crispy noodles.



The noodles are transparent and have a rubbery texture. It's made from konnyaku and has a nice chewy texture. Shirataki is great for Japanese dishes such as oden and sushi.



Made from wheat flour and buckwheat, the noodles are usually pale yellow or beige in color. Soba noodles are available dry or fresh, and are served in a variety of ways, either hot (as in soup noodles) or cold with a dipping sauce.

If you've ever tried tororo, kitsune, tempura, kake, or frozen zaru soba, then you've tasted some Japanese soba!

A soba noodle dish should not fall into this category as it is actually made with Chinese style noodles (chūkamen) and is not exactly "soba".



Somen is another wheat noodle. But unlike the usual thick and yellowish shape, this one is thick and white.

Although it can be used in soups and other hot dishes, it is usually served cold or chilled. Doing so helps Japanese people stay cool, especially in summer.

Some noodles are very similar to hiyamugi and udon, except that they are very thin at 1.3mm wide, while others are slightly thicker. When making noodles, an important factor for success is oil.



Hiyamugi is also made from wheat, similar to udon and some noodles. Its thickness is roughly in between the two aforementioned types of noodles, and is also very similar to udon and some noodles.

You'll often see hiyamugi noodles white, but in some cases, they're held together with brown or pink noodles.



Harusame is a bit different and is a glass noodle. They are the only known noodles made with potato starch.



This Japanese noodle is the weirdest of them all, but I kind of like it because of it! It's made from a type of agar, which has a gelatin-like substance.

It's not actually agar, but another red seaweed grown specifically for making noodles! You can read more in this article I wrote about tokoroten.

Even the noodle was cut in an odd way as it was shaped like a thin jelly.