Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric and Gas Yakitori Grills

Whether it is cold or hot, grilled meat with appropriate spices is the best food. In other words, people desire to grilling in winter, spring, summer or autumn.

Science shows that grilling has many health benefits, such as eating less fat and preserving more riboflavin and thiamine.

Although there is no doubt about this fact, there is still a question that needs to be answered, and that is the conflict between electric yakitori grills and gas yakitori grills. Which is better for you?

This article lists the pros and cons of these two types so that you can choose which one is best for your home. (If you want to accurately monitor the real-time power consumption of your electric yakitori grill, you should check this power meter. It is small and can be plugged into the power supply for immediate use.)


electric smoker yakitori grill


Gas yakitori Grill

This yakitori grill has been used by many people since it came out. In fact, there are still two types of gas yakitori grills today, gas yakitori grills and charcoal grills.

Gas yakitori grills use propane or natural gas to generate heat or flames to cook food. The grille device is usually connected to a fuel tank that stores fuel.

Some traditional restaurants still use thisp;; grill because the authentic taste and aroma make the food more delicious. It is also more effective to cook a lot of meat at the same time.

However, you can also find a small gas yakitori grill suitable for home use.

On the other hand, charcoal grilling uses charcoal blocks or all-natural block charcoal for grilling. This kind of charcoal turns into ashes and generates heat when burned.

Many people still like this grill because it has a slight smoke smell and high calories. It is usually round, square or rectangular. Sometimes it has a cover and a ventilation system to control heat or temperature.


• High energy efficiency because almost 90% of propane or charcoal is converted into usable fuel.
• Produce more delicious food and authentic aromas, which many electric yakitori grills cannot do.
• It is cheaper and can feed 100 people faster.
• Provide a variety of sizes.
• All parts of the grill can be washed.


• Propane is a non-renewable harmful resource.
• Only suitable for outdoor grilling, because it requires a lot of space.
• It is difficult to maintain low or high temperatures.
• Do not place near any materials that can easily catch fire.
• The grill plate is more difficult to clean.


Electric Yakitori Grill

When it comes to convenience, electric yakitori grills seem to have the upper hand. This grill uses electricity to grill food.

Today, many manufacturers have added several features to make grilling easier and more convenient. Start-up is not so troublesome, because most of them have knobs or thermostats to control the temperature.

At the same time, almost all brands claim that they generate even heat on the cooking surface. In order to obtain the authentic fragrance and taste, people often add smoked wood chips on the grill. Some even added rotating accessories.

Cleaning is also a breeze, because some electric yakitori grills have a non-stick function. With an electric yakitori grill, you can eat fresh grilled hamburgers or steaks, because most of them are suitable for indoor use.


• No need to worry about gas leakage or possible fire accidents.
• Can be used indoors or outdoors.
• Does not require much space.
• With a thermostat, temperature or heat is easier to control.
• Easier to monitor food while grilling.
• Some manufacturers have added amazing features such as rotating bakeware. [Accessories and non-stick plate.
• Easy to clean plates.
•Quick Start.


• Cannot provide the same level of authentic flavor provided by natural gas or charcoal grills.
• The heating temperature is limited.
• Grilled food is not suitable for barbecue.
• All heating elements cannot be immersed in water.



If you know what you are looking for, it is not difficult to choose between an electric yakitori grill and a gas yakitori grill. Electric yakitori grills have pros and cons.

Now, it depends on your preference. When you buy a yakitori grill, you should know your needs, lifestyle and budget. Ask yourself how many times you plan to use the grill.

If you have it every day, an electric grill is a better choice because it cooks quickly and requires less preparation.

If you are a big fan of grilled food, then you need a gas yakitori grill, because it can make your food more delicious.

In addition, consider the space and local regulations you need to comply with.